SARI Energu

South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Integration

TF-1 Studies

TASK FORCE-1 Study-1

Review and analysis of Electricity Laws, Regulations, Policies and Legal Structure prevailing in each South Asia country and to recommend changes and amendments in Electricity Laws, Policies and Regulations of South Asian Countries for promoting CBET

The study-1 under Task Force-1 on Electricity Laws, Regulations, Policies and Legal structures of South Asian countries, was successfully carried out. The study identified the minimum requirements (critical ingredients) to facilitate CBET in South Asia. It also reviewed international power pools and regional trade arrangements to understand the good practices around the world and brought out the Regional Regulatory Guidelines (RRGs). The RRGs are set of guidelines on common regulations, rules and protocols in technical, operational and legal matters for harmonization/coordinating of electricity regulation from the perspective of promoting CBET in South Asia. It will primarily aid the national electricity regulators of the South Asian countries for developing a regional regulatory framework and for decision making on CBET in the South Asian region. Further, the Study-1 has come out with its 2nd volume report on “Suggested changes/amendments clause/section wise in the existing Electricity Laws, Regulation and policies of SA countries for promoting CBET in South Asia Region across”. These suggested changes/ amendments can be considered by governments of South Asian countries as a base for aligning their legal, policy and regulatory frameworks for promoting CBET in the region. This report also covers country wise proposed long, medium and short-term roadmaps for implementation of these suggested changes and amendments


TASK FORCE-1 Study-2

Review of the prevailing investment friendly policies/guidelines/frameworks/FDI regimes in each South Asian country and to develop Regional Investment Friendly Policy and Investment Framework for promoting investment in South Asian power sector and in CBET. 

The objective of the study-2 under Task Force-1 “Regional Investment Framework and Policy Guidelines for Promoting Investment in South Asian Power Sector and in Cross-Border Electricity Trade in South Asia” is to develop a regional investment framework to support the power sector initiatives in South Asian Countries (SACs)  and for Cross Border Electricity Trade (CBET)  amongst them. This involves identifying the key gaps in the existing frameworks in the region and across SACs and managing risks that can impede investments in the South Asian energy sector, specifically focusing on CBET and hydropower development in the region. The study aims to evolve a framework to facilitate investments in the energy sector in South Asia, and recommend changes and amendments in the current framework for the creation of cross border electricity infrastructure in SACs. The report can be accessed from the web link below:

TASK FORCE-1 Study-3

Building Consensus and developing a white paper on South Asian Forum of Electricity Regulators (SAFER)

The objective of study-3 under Task Force-1  is to  a) review and analyse the various existing forums/institutional mechanisms prevailing in South Asian Countries such as South Asia Forum of Infrastructure Regulation (SAFIR), SAARC, BIMSTEC etc., and their role, responsibilities, structure b) Review and analysis  the international experiences in formation of regional regulatory forums/institutional mechanisms including their structure, role/responsibilities, functions etc., for harmonization/coordination of electricity regulations from the perspective of CBET and c)  On the basis of their learnings to  suggest/recommend formation of institutional mechanism for coordination of regulations in SA countries.

On the basis of the above analysis, recommend a suitable Regional Electricity Regulatory Institutional Mechanism in South Asia Region covering its rationale, role, function, operating structure (including working groups, expert committee etc.) and legal status. The study will  also  identify  SAFER’S role, function, institutional structure/arrangements, Organizational Framework, Operational Aspects, Financial Arrangements and the way forward for formation of such a regional regulatory body/forum creation of regional regulatory institutional mechanism for coordination of electricity regulations. The report can be accessed from the web link below: