SARI Energu

South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Integration

Task Force -1 Profile

Mr. Karma P. Dorji

Mr. Karma P. Dorji

Chief Engineer, Department of Hydropower and Power Systems, MoEA, Bhutan

Email: [email protected]

Phone: + (975) (2) 328279

Mr. Karma P Dorji is Chief Engineer working in Department of Hydropower and Power Systems, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Thimphu, Bhutan. He is a member of Task Force-1 (Policy, Legal and Regulatory) and have been involved in SARI/EI since inception as counterpart from Bhutan.

Served as National Project Manager for Rural Electrification Master Plan 2003 which provided critical roadmap for achieving almost 100% access to clean and reliable grid electricity by 2013. Was part of core team responsible for formulation of 9th, 10th and 11th Five Year National Plan. Besides involved in formulation of Sustainable Hydropower Development Policy and 10,000 MW Hydropower Development by 2020 in 2008-09. Also served as National Project Manager from 2009 through 2013 for updation of Detailed Project Report of 2560 MW Sankosh and 180 MW Bunakha Reservoir Projects. Drafted National Public Debt Policy and Domestic Electricity Tariff Policy as a part of a drafting committee in 2014-2016. Currently engaged in drafting, negotiation and finalization of Concession Agreement for Hydropower Projects and review of the hydropower policy and Electricity Act of Bhutan 2001.

Obtained Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India in 2000 and MSc. in Environmental Systems with a major in energy, environment and society from State University of California, Arcata, USA in 2008.