SARI Energu

South Asia Regional Initiative for Energy Integration

Fourth Meeting of SAARC Energy Regulators, 06-07 Feb. 2020 , Thimphu, Bhutan

  06th February 2020,

Group picture at Fourth SAARC Energy Regulators meeting, 6-7 Feb 2020, Thimphu, Bhutan

Group picture at Fourth SAARC Energy Regulators meeting, 6-7 Feb 2020, Thimphu, Bhutan

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Brief Report on SARI/EI Participation in the Fourth Meeting of SAARC Energy Regulators

06-07 Feb. 2020, Namgay Heritage Hotel

 Thimphu, Bhutan

Brief Report

Based on the invitation received from SAARC Secretariat, Kathmandu, Nepal, SARI/EI Delegation comprising of Mr. Rajiv Ratna Panda, Technical-Head, SARI/EI/IRADe participated in the 4th Meeting Fourth Meeting of SAARC Energy Regulators, 06-07 Feb. 2020, Thimphu, Bhutan.

Mr. Panda, made a comprehensive presentation on Presentation on three important subjects a) Emerging Trends in Cross-border Electricity Trade (CBET) in South Asia and Future Outlook: Regulatory Implications and Roadmap b) Common Minimum Grid Code for facilitating Cross-Border Electricity Trade in South Asia and c) Open access in Transmission and Trading License Frameworks for advancing CBET and development of regional power trade in South Asia.  On “emerging trends in CBET in SA, he spoke, mainly on, power system and market integration evaluation across the globe; significant environment degradation/climate change in the SAARC region; role of regional hydro power in regional renewable grid integration and regional Grid balancing; moving towards market form of trade and trade through competitive power market; developing regional power market & Future Outlook: Regulatory Implications & Roadmap”

Through his presentation, he laid out a 5 point regulatory road map for SAARC countries taking in account the recent development and future perspectives: a) SAARC countries needs to continue to work on developing harmonious policy & regulatory frameworks across countries b) Developing Complementary/parallel regulations across SAARC countries, taking steps for development of appropriate Regulation (Model SAARC Electricity Regulation for Regional Power Trade (SERRPT) can be used as a reference c) SAARC countries need to develop Regulatory Framework including rules/procedures  for facilitating Trilateral Power trade d) SAARC countries needs to develop Regulatory Framework for developing power market, region grid balancing market, ancillary services market for RE grid integration e) SAARC countries needs to develop rule and associated regulatory framework for trading through power exchange and other power market platforms e) SAARC countries to work on to put some minimum regulatory requirements for advancing market, trilateral trade-harmonisation of grid code, open access, trading license, transmission pricing, connectivity, deviation settlement etc.


Speaking on the Common Minimum Grid Code for South Asia (CMGCS), a first of its kind initiative in South Asia, he said CMGCS, lays down the rules, guidelines and standards to be followed by various South Asia country participants in the system for CBET, while operating the power system, in the most secure, reliable, economic and efficient manner. He touched upon the objective, applicability, structure & brief explanation of codes i.e. Connection Code, Operating code, Scheduling & dispatch code and administration of grid code.

He also presented on the a) key findings of the SARI/EI study on framework & guidelines for non-discriminatory open access in transmission for facilitating CBET in SA covering open access desirable pre-requisites availability in SA power sector and summary of the framework and guidelines and b) Key findings of the SARI/EI study on Framework & Guideline trading license regime in SA & Grant of Trading license covering desirable pre-requisites availability in South Asia Power Sector and summary of the framework and guidelines.

The SAARC Energy Regulators and chairperson of the meeting thanked Mr. Panda for his comprehensive presentation.